You purchase a product that promises results, hair product to stimulate growth, diet pill to lose weight, and of course the latest trend for men being male enhancement pills said to provide better performance in the bedroom. What many people fail to realize is that not all products are safe. Every product used on the body or taken into the body has a 50/50 chance of doing more harm than good.
Have you heard the latest “FDA cracks down on male enhancement pills secretly laced with drugs” headline? In case you haven’t this was surely something to be expected with the tremendous growth of the male enhancement market seen in the past few years. It’s a horrifying thought for men who just want a little boost in that area for sexual satisfaction. It’s just deciding now what male enhancement pills to trust because even when purchased over the counter in what may seem legit and safe packaging danger could still be lurking.
Manufacturers have been cited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration leading to certain brands of male enhancement pills being pulled from the shelves nationwide. The majority of those manufacturers were based in Florida. Besides being laced with prescription drugs, false advertisement, and some completely illegal those drugs were found to be extremely harmful to those men with medical conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease. When you really think about it, the male enhancement market caters mostly to purchasing of male enhancement pills by older men more prone to having those types of medical conditions.
Within 17 months, about 14 companies have been cited, warned, and sexual enhancement pills have immediately been recalled. Love Fuel and MasXtreme are the names of two popular sexual enhancement pills involved in the recall. They cost about four to ten dollars per pack and were easily available at convenience stores, major drugstores, and gas stations.
Something so easy to get ones hands on within a store has got to be safe right? The major loophole with things like male enhancement pills or vitamins is that if they’re labeled and sold as dietary supplements there are no requirements for manufacturers to perform federal monitoring clinical trials to ensure product safety and effectiveness.
If a man were already taking prescription medication interaction between that and the illegal drug ingredients contained in the male enhancement pills could be fatal. The FDA is currently doing a major crackdown on even more companies because of its findings that nearly one-third of online pills purchased illegally contained prescription drugs. It’s also a federal law violation for non-prescription male enhancement supplements to contain ingredients such as sulfoaildenafil and others one might find in erectile dysfunction drugs.
Manufacturers are not required to state the amount contained of every ingredient within their product if listed as a proprietary blend. Some ingredients within male enhancement pills can also be hidden from sight the same as those forced off the shelves. There have also been products pulled from the shelves or manufacturers to receive warnings because their products made claims that were false. Those products may have been 100% safe but the law in most cases is really the law. In conclusion, many male enhancement pills that many claim to work as advertised are out there, the only problem would be being smart enough to find them by doing your research and protecting your health.
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